Tuesday 11 September 2012


OK. So I have a few things to say. I'll be quite frank, I feel really pretentious creating a "blog". I'm not particularly interested in creating a group of "followers", or even at this point believe that people will be interested in what I have to say. However, I work in an industry that I believe deserves a little more openness and honesty, which is odd for one that thrives so greatly on secrets.

My name is Steve Shaw, and I am a full time member of staff at one of the UK's busiest magic shops; Magicbox (check us out, I think we're cool CLICK HERE). I'm assuming that if you are reading this then you are, more than likely, a magician, or in someway affiliated with our industry.

For the time being, my sole reason for creating this blog is as a way to get my thoughts out there for those customers of ours who do not have the luxury of being able to visit a real "bricks and mortar" magic shop. We see a whole host of magic products released each month, some excellent, some absolutely terrible. I would just like a way to be able to express my personal opinion on some of these products. Please remember, this is just that and no more, MY PERSONAL OPINION. I tell everyone the same, in fact it's kind of a mantra for me in the shop; I get paid EXACTLY the same regardless of whether you buy a single deck of cards or a Losander floating table. I really do care about making sure you do not waste your money on something that sounds like a fantastic miracle, but turns out to be a piece of fluff with a magnet stuck inside. I made some god-awful decisions on what to spend my magic budget on when I was younger, if I can prevent someone else making a similar mistake, or help someone find that hidden gem they would have otherwise overlooked, then I will be happy.

If anyone would like me to post my thoughts on any of our latest products, or something older that has gone overlooked, then feel free to send me an email or leave a comment.

All the best,

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