Tuesday 11 September 2012

Joe Monti

So this weekend I got the chance to hang with a real gentleman. Mr Joe Monti (http://www.joemonti.com/) came to entertain and lecture at the Newcastle Magic Circle. Joe really delivered. If you get the chance, I urge you to catch one of Joe's lectures. The next day, I caught up with Joe at his hotel, and he shared with me some more really insightful views, gathered through years of experience in different aspects of the magic community. I took Joe up to our shop around lunchtime. Graeme and Kris were unable to make the lecture the previous night. Joe practically recreated the whole thing for them in the shop. He repeatedly fried us with some excellent close-up material. This guy is a professional of the highest order.

Just when I thought I had seen it all, Joe kicked me, he kicked me hard, real hard. Let me recap what happened. Bare in mind that what I am about to describe took place EXACTLY as I describe it. I was sober. I tell you this as it transpired. MY deck of cards was on the counter. At NO POINT had Joe touched these. Joe leaned over to me and said "Steve, name a number between 1 and 52". I named my number aloud. Joe was out of reach of my deck. In a tone of voice that said "I am about to break your mind" Joe asked me to name any card. I did.  I was expecting some interference. Joe gestured for me to pick up my deck and count to my number. I counted cards from hand to hand. The cards never touched the table, or went ANYWHERE near the miracle man. I stopped at my number. Joe asked me to place the card at my number to the table. He was still NOWHERE near it. Joe kindly asked if I cared to change my mind, and select the card prior or the card following my number. I declined. With a nod of the head Joe insinuated it was time for me to turn over the card. My card.....at my number. I was floored. This was clean. I describe it to you EXACTLY as it transpired. I was prepared to pass this off as a real lucky fluke, however, something wasn't right. Joe, throughout, gave off a confidence that practically screamed "Be ready, your card is gonna be there!". Later that evening, Joe contacted me. He asked me what I thought of the "Freely Unknown Card Killer". I was floored. If this is ever comes to market, you MUST check it out!

JOE: If you are reading this, grab a pen, grab some paper, and in whatever file you use to keep track of your work put my name down. Hell, put it down several times. I want to see this the minute it goes on sale. You broke my mind!

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